
Sharding can be used to sub-divide different data sets into several Speedment instances. This can potentially increase performance since you are able to reduce the data set to search using a known sharding key. The sharding key can be of any type but are many times a String or an int. Say for example that you have a number of countries, then these be can sharded using the first character of the name. When the same name is later reused (and potentially other search arguments), you can immediately look up the correct shard that contains the name you are looking for.

Sharded Speedment instances come in two different flavors:

ShardedSpeedment which is using immutable sharding with ahead-of-time sharding key

MutableShardedSpeedment which can use dynamic sharding keys discovered at run-time

Sharding applications running under the Java Module System (JPMS) needs to require com.speedment.enterprise.sharding; in the file.

Immutable Sharding

Immutable sharding means that the set of shard keys will be defined ahead-of-time. Once all shards have been defined, their corresponding data sets can all be loaded into memory in a single operation and once loaded, they are instantly available.

The following example will shard all countries that starts with an “A” in one shard and all the countries that starts with a “B” in another shard. Countries that begin with any other letter will not be loaded at all and cannot be accessed.

// Creates a builder from a sharding key.
// In this example the sharding key for the builder itself 
// is not considered.
Function<String, SpeedmentTestApplicationBuilder> builderMapper = shardKey ->
    new SpeedmentTestApplicationBuilder()

// Creates a ShardedSpeedment object with two keys "A" and "B"
// The content of the different shards are controlled by the given stream decorator
ShardedSpeedment<String> shardedSpeedemnt = ShardedSpeedment.builder(String.class)
    .putStreamDecorator(CountryManager.IDENTIFIER, (shardKey, stream) -> stream.filter(Country.NAME.startsWith(shardKey)))

// Loads all the shards into memory

// Prints all countries in the "A" shard

// Prints all countries in the "B" shard

// Stops all the shards

This will produce the following output:

CountryImpl { id = 1, abbrevation = AD, name = Andorra, fullName = Principality of Andorra, iso3 = AND, number = 20, region = 4 }
CountryImpl { id = 3, abbrevation = AF, name = Afghanistan, fullName = Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, iso3 = AFG, number = 4, region = 3 }
CountryImpl { id = 4, abbrevation = AG, name = Antigua and Barbuda, fullName = Antigua and Barbuda, iso3 = ATG, number = 28, region = 5 }
CountryImpl { id = 5, abbrevation = AI, name = Anguilla, fullName = Anguilla, iso3 = AIA, number = 660, region = 5 }
CountryImpl { id = 6, abbrevation = AL, name = Albania, fullName = Republic of Albania, iso3 = ALB, number = 8, region = 4 }
CountryImpl { id = 7, abbrevation = AM, name = Armenia, fullName = Republic of Armenia, iso3 = ARM, number = 51, region = 3 }
CountryImpl { id = 9, abbrevation = AO, name = Angola, fullName = Republic of Angola, iso3 = AGO, number = 24, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 10, abbrevation = AQ, name = Antarctica, fullName = Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S), iso3 = ATA, number = 10, region = 2 }
CountryImpl { id = 11, abbrevation = AR, name = Argentina, fullName = Argentine Republic, iso3 = ARG, number = 32, region = 7 }
CountryImpl { id = 12, abbrevation = AS, name = American Samoa, fullName = American Samoa, iso3 = ASM, number = 16, region = 6 }
CountryImpl { id = 13, abbrevation = AT, name = Austria, fullName = Republic of Austria, iso3 = AUT, number = 40, region = 4 }
CountryImpl { id = 14, abbrevation = AU, name = Australia, fullName = Commonwealth of Australia, iso3 = AUS, number = 36, region = 6 }
CountryImpl { id = 15, abbrevation = AW, name = Aruba, fullName = Aruba, iso3 = ABW, number = 533, region = 5 }
CountryImpl { id = 17, abbrevation = AZ, name = Azerbaijan, fullName = Republic of Azerbaijan, iso3 = AZE, number = 31, region = 3 }
CountryImpl { id = 61, abbrevation = DZ, name = Algeria, fullName = People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, iso3 = DZA, number = 12, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 18, abbrevation = BA, name = Bosnia and Herzegovina, fullName = Bosnia and Herzegovina, iso3 = BIH, number = 70, region = 4 }
CountryImpl { id = 19, abbrevation = BB, name = Barbados, fullName = Barbados, iso3 = BRB, number = 52, region = 5 }
CountryImpl { id = 20, abbrevation = BD, name = Bangladesh, fullName = People's Republic of Bangladesh, iso3 = BGD, number = 50, region = 3 }
CountryImpl { id = 21, abbrevation = BE, name = Belgium, fullName = Kingdom of Belgium, iso3 = BEL, number = 56, region = 4 }
CountryImpl { id = 22, abbrevation = BF, name = Burkina Faso, fullName = Burkina Faso, iso3 = BFA, number = 854, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 23, abbrevation = BG, name = Bulgaria, fullName = Republic of Bulgaria, iso3 = BGR, number = 100, region = 4 }
CountryImpl { id = 24, abbrevation = BH, name = Bahrain, fullName = Kingdom of Bahrain, iso3 = BHR, number = 48, region = 3 }
CountryImpl { id = 25, abbrevation = BI, name = Burundi, fullName = Republic of Burundi, iso3 = BDI, number = 108, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 26, abbrevation = BJ, name = Benin, fullName = Republic of Benin, iso3 = BEN, number = 204, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 28, abbrevation = BM, name = Bermuda, fullName = Bermuda, iso3 = BMU, number = 60, region = 5 }
CountryImpl { id = 29, abbrevation = BN, name = Brunei Darussalam, fullName = Brunei Darussalam, iso3 = BRN, number = 96, region = 3 }
CountryImpl { id = 30, abbrevation = BO, name = Bolivia, fullName = Republic of Bolivia, iso3 = BOL, number = 68, region = 7 }
CountryImpl { id = 31, abbrevation = BR, name = Brazil, fullName = Federative Republic of Brazil, iso3 = BRA, number = 76, region = 7 }
CountryImpl { id = 32, abbrevation = BS, name = Bahamas, fullName = Commonwealth of the Bahamas, iso3 = BHS, number = 44, region = 5 }
CountryImpl { id = 33, abbrevation = BT, name = Bhutan, fullName = Kingdom of Bhutan, iso3 = BTN, number = 64, region = 3 }
CountryImpl { id = 34, abbrevation = BV, name = Bouvet Island, fullName = Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya), iso3 = BVT, number = 74, region = 2 }
CountryImpl { id = 35, abbrevation = BW, name = Botswana, fullName = Republic of Botswana, iso3 = BWA, number = 72, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 36, abbrevation = BY, name = Belarus, fullName = Republic of Belarus, iso3 = BLR, number = 112, region = 4 }
CountryImpl { id = 37, abbrevation = BZ, name = Belize, fullName = Belize, iso3 = BLZ, number = 84, region = 5 }
CountryImpl { id = 105, abbrevation = IO, name = British Indian Ocean Territory, fullName = British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago), iso3 = IOT, number = 86, region = 3 }

Mutable Sharding

Mutable sharding means that the set of shard keys can be dynamically managed (added and removed) on demand. Thus, the set of shard keys must not be known in advance. However, when a new shard is first used, the data set corresponding to that shard must be loaded into memory, implying an initial first time delay.

The following example will shard countries on demand as shard keys are first seen.

// Creator that, when applied, will create a Speedment instance for
// a given shard key
final Function<String, SpeedmentTestApplication> creator = shardKey -> {
    SpeedmentTestApplication app = TestUtil.createSpeedmentBuilder().build();
            .withStreamDecorator(CountryManager.IDENTIFIER, s -> s.filter(Country.NAME.startsWith(shardKey)))
    return app;

// Creates a MutableShardedSpeedment
MutableShardedSpeedment<String> shardedSpeedemnt = MutableShardedSpeedment.create(String.class);

// Acquires a Speedment instance for the shard key "A"
// (if the shard is already created, returns the shard,
// if the shard is not created, creates and returns a new
// shard that will be reused for subsequent calls for the
// same shard key.
SpeedmentTestApplication aApp = shardedSpeedemnt.computeIfAbsent("A", creator);

SpeedmentTestApplication bApp = shardedSpeedemnt.computeIfAbsent("B", creator);

final CountryManager aCountryManager = aApp.getOrThrow(CountryManager.class);
final CountryManager bCountryManager = bApp.getOrThrow(CountryManager.class);

// Prints all countries in an "A" shard;

// Prints all countries in an "B" shard;

// Stops all the shards

This will produce the same output as the immutable shard example above.

Shard Keys of Type int

There is a specialized IntShardedSpeedment implemetation that can be used if shard keys are of the primitive type int. The following example shows how it can be used to shard countries on regions rather than on first-letter-names.

// Creates a builder from an int sharding key.
// In this example, the sharding key for the builder itself
// is not considered.
IntFunction<SpeedmentTestApplicationBuilder> builderMapper = shardKey ->
    new SpeedmentTestApplicationBuilder()

// Creates an IntShardedSpeedment object with two keys 1 and 2
// The content of the different shards are controlled by the given stream decorator
IntShardedSpeedment shardedSpeedemnt = IntShardedSpeedment.builder()
        (shardKey, stream) -> stream.filter(Country.REGION.equal(shardKey))

// Loads all the shards into memory

// Prints all countries in the 1 shard

// Stops all the shards

This will produce the following output (truncated for brievity):

CountryImpl { id = 9, abbrevation = AO, name = Angola, fullName = Republic of Angola, iso3 = AGO, number = 24, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 22, abbrevation = BF, name = Burkina Faso, fullName = Burkina Faso, iso3 = BFA, number = 854, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 25, abbrevation = BI, name = Burundi, fullName = Republic of Burundi, iso3 = BDI, number = 108, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 26, abbrevation = BJ, name = Benin, fullName = Republic of Benin, iso3 = BEN, number = 204, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 35, abbrevation = BW, name = Botswana, fullName = Republic of Botswana, iso3 = BWA, number = 72, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 40, abbrevation = CD, name = Congo (Kinshasa), fullName = Democratic Republic of the Congo, iso3 = COD, number = 180, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 41, abbrevation = CF, name = Central African Republic, fullName = Central African Republic, iso3 = CAF, number = 140, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 42, abbrevation = CG, name = Congo (Brazzaville), fullName = Republic of the Congo, iso3 = COG, number = 178, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 44, abbrevation = CI, name = Côte d'Ivoire, fullName = Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, iso3 = CIV, number = 384, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 47, abbrevation = CM, name = Cameroon, fullName = Republic of Cameroon, iso3 = CMR, number = 120, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 52, abbrevation = CV, name = Cape Verde, fullName = Republic of Cape Verde, iso3 = CPV, number = 132, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 57, abbrevation = DJ, name = Djibouti, fullName = Republic of Djibouti, iso3 = DJI, number = 262, region = 1 }
CountryImpl { id = 61, abbrevation = DZ, name = Algeria, fullName = People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, iso3 = DZA, number = 12, region = 1 }

Questions and Discussion

If you have any question, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Speedment developers on Gitter.