SQL Equivalents

This chapter contains a number of typical database queries that can be expressed using JPAStreamer. For users that are accustomed to SQL, this chapter provides an overview of how to translate SQL to Streams. The examples included in this chapter are based on the MySQL "sakila" example database, which models a classic movie rental store. An object that corresponds to a row in the database are, by convention, called an "Entity".

The table below gives an overview of how SQL operators map to the Java Stream API.

SQL Java Stream






filter() (before collecting)












filter() (after collecting)






concat(s0, s1).distinct()




FROM can be expressed using .stream(). To access this method, you need access to an instance of a JPAStreamer:

JPAStreamer jpaStreamer = JPAStreamer.of("sakila"); (1)
1 "sakila" is to be replaced with the name of the relevant persistence unit

The method .stream() accepts a reference to the Entity representing the table to be streamed. For example, the table 'film' has a corresponding Film Entity:

public class Film {

    @Column(name = "film_id", columnDefinition = "smallint(5)")
    private Integer filmId;

    @Column(name = "title", columnDefinition = "varchar(255)")
    private String title;


This entity can be streamed like so:


which will create a Stream with all the Film entities in the Film table:

Film { filmId = 1, title = ACADEMY DINOSAUR, ...
Film { filmId = 2, title = ACE GOLDFINGER, ...
Film { filmId = 3, title = ADAPTATION HOLES, ...
The Film entities above and below will have its List<Actor> and Language fields lazily initialized. This is undesirable in many cases where we know we are going to use these fields. Read more hereunder on how to use a StreamConfiguration to read these fields eagerly using a join statement.


Anywhere below where stream(Film.class) is used, we might as well also use a StreamConfiguration<Film> that can be created like this:

StreamConfiguration<Film> configuration = StreamConfiguration.of(Film.class)

This creates a StreamConfiguration where both the actors and language is (left) joined. Thus, avoiding a potential N + 1 SELECT problem.


SELECT can be expressed using a StreamConfiguration or a map()-operation that to a Projection. The StreamConfiguration limits which columns are obtained from the database before the Stream operations are applied:

StreamConfiguration<Film> sc = StreamConfiguration.of(Film.class).selecting(Projection.select(Film$.filmId, Film$.title));


This will produce the following output:

Film{filmId=212, title='DARN FORRESTER', description='null', language=null, actors=[], rentalDuration=null, rentalRate=null, length=null, replacementCost=null, rating='null', specialFeatures='null', lastUpdate=null}
Film{filmId=141, title='CHICAGO NORTH', description='null', language=null, actors=[], rentalDuration=null, rentalRate=null, length=null, replacementCost=null, rating='null', specialFeatures='null', lastUpdate=null}
Film{filmId=182, title='CONTROL ANTHEM', description='null', language=null, actors=[], rentalDuration=null, rentalRate=null, length=null, replacementCost=null, rating='null', specialFeatures='null', lastUpdate=null}
You can find more examples of how to use projections in the chapter Projections.


WHERE can be expressed using .filter().

By applying a filter to a Stream, certain entities can be retained in the Stream and other entities can be dropped. For example, to find a long film (of length greater than 120 minutes) you can apply a filter like this:


This will produce the following output:

Optional[FilmImpl { filmId = 5, title = AFRICAN EGG,... , length = 130, ...]
An important property with JPAStreamer streams is that they are able to optimize their own pipeline by introspection. It looks like the Stream will iterate over all rows in the 'film' table but this is not the case. Instead, JPAStreamer is able to optimize the resulting query in the background which is then passed to the used JPA provider. This means that only the relevant entities are pulled in from the database into the Stream.


ORDER BY can be expressed using .sorted().

Sorting all our films based on length can be done this way:

List<Film> filmsInLengthOrder = jpaStreamer.stream(Films.class)
    .sorted(Film$.length) (1)
1 Descending order can be obtained by calling, for example, Film$.length.reversed().

The list will have the following content:

Film { filmId = 15, title = ALIEN CENTER, ..., length = 46, ...
Film { filmId = 469, title = IRON MOON, ..., length = 46, ...
Film { filmId = 730, title = RIDGEMONT SUBMARINE, ..., length = 46, ...
Film { filmId = 504, title = KWAI HOMEWARD, ..., length = 46, ...
Film { filmId = 505, title = LABYRINTH LEAGUE, ..., length = 46, ...
Film { filmId = 784, title = SHANGHAI TYCOON, ..., length = 47, ...
Film { filmId = 869, title = SUSPECTS QUILLS, ..., length = 47, ...

Several "ORDER BY" columns can be used by composing comparators:

.sorted(Film$.length.thenComparing(Film$.title.comparator()) (1)
1 The .comparator() method must be used for secondary fields.


OFFSET can be expressed using .skip().

The .skip() operation is useful to skip a number of records before using them. Suppose you want to print out the films in title order but staring from the 100:th film then the skip-operation can be used like this:


This will produce the following output:

Film { filmId = 101, title = BROTHERHOOD BLANKET, ...
Film { filmId = 102, title = BUBBLE GROSSE, ...
Film { filmId = 103, title = BUCKET BROTHERHOOD, ...


LIMIT can be expressed using .limit().

The number of records in a Stream can be controlled using the .limit() operation. This example will print out the 3 first films in title order:


This will produce the following output:

Film { filmId = 1, title = ACADEMY DINOSAUR, ...
Film { filmId = 2, title = ACE GOLDFINGER, ...
Film { filmId = 3, title = ADAPTATION HOLES, ...

Combining OFFSET and LIMIT

LIMIT X OFFSET Y can be expressed by .skip(y).limit(x) (note the order of skip and limit)

There are many applications where both .skip() and .limit() are used. Remember that the order of these stream operations matters and that the order is different from what you might be used to from SQL. The following example expresses a stream used to fetch 50 films starting from the 100:th film in natural title order:


This will produce the following output:

Film { filmId = 101, title = BROTHERHOOD BLANKET, ...
Film { filmId = 102, title = BUBBLE GROSSE, ...
Film { filmId = 103, title = BUCKET BROTHERHOOD, ...


COUNT can be expressed using .count().

Stream counting are optimized to database queries. Consider the following stream that counts the number of long films (with a length greater than 120 minutes):

long noLongFilms = jpaStreamer.stream(Film.class)

When run, the code will calculate that there are 457 long films.


GROUP BY can be expressed using collect(groupingBy(…​)).

Java has its own group-by collector. The example below groups all the Films by 'rating':

Map<String, List<Film>> filmCategories = jpaStreamer.stream(Film.class)

    map.forEach((k, v) ->
            "Rating %-5s maps to %d films %n", k, v.size()

This might produce the following output:

Rating PG-13 has 223 films
Rating R     has 195 films
Rating NC-17 has 210 films
Rating G     has 178 films
Rating PG    has 194 films

The entire table will be pulled into the application in this example because all films will be in the Map.

To only count the occurrences of items for different classifications a down-stream Collector can be used instead:

Map<String, Long> map = jpaStreamer.stream(Film.class)
            Film$.rating, (1)
            Collectors.counting() (2)

1 Film rating is used as the classifier
2 The down-stream collector

This might produce the following output:

{PG-13=223, R=195, NC-17=210, G=178, PG=194}


HAVING can be expressed by .filter() applied on a Stream from a previously collected Stream.

The previous GROUP BY example can be expanded by filtering out only those categories having more than 200 films. Such a Stream can be expressed by applying a new Stream on a Stream that has been previously collected:

Map<String, List<Film>> filmCategories = jpaStreamer.stream(Film.class)
    .filter(e -> e.getValue().size() > 200)
        toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue)

Now that only categories with more than 200 films are shown, the content of the Map will correspond to:

Rating PG-13 has 223 films
Rating NC-17 has 210 films


DISTINCT can be expressed using .distinct().

The following code can be used to calculate what different ratings there are in the film tables:

Set<String> ratings = jpaStreamer.stream(Film.class)
In this example, the entire table will be pulled into the application.


SELECT can be expressed using .map().

If you do not want to use the entire entity but instead only select one or several fields, that can be done by applying a Map operation to a Stream. Assuming for example you are only interested in the field 'id' of a Film you can select that field like this:

final IntStream ids = jpaStreamer.stream(Film.class)

This creates an IntStream consisting of the ID:s of all Films by applying the Film$.filmId getter for each Film in the original stream.

To select several fields, you can create a custom class that holds only the fields in question or use a class to dcreate a type-safe holder.

public static final class TitleLength {

        private final String title;
        private final int length;

        public TitleLength(Film film) {
            this.title = film.getTitle();
            this.length= film.getLength();

        public String title() {
            return title;

        public int length() {
            return length;

        public String toString() {
            return "TitleLength{" +
                    "title='" + title + '\'' +
                    ", length=" + length +


This creates a stream of TitleLength with two elements: title (of type String) and length (of type int).

NOTE: Currently, JPAStreamer will read all the columns regardless of subsequent mappings. Future versions might cut down on the columns actually being read following .map(), mapToInt(), mapToLong() and mapToDouble() operations.


UNION ALL can be expressed using a Stream of Streams followed by a flatMap(Function.identity()) operator. The following example creates a resulting Stream with all Films that are of length greater than 120 minutes and then all films that are of rating "PG-13":


The resulting Stream will contain duplicates with films that have a length both greater than 120 minutes and have a rating "PG-13".


UNION can be expressed using a Stream of Streams followed by a flatMap(Function.identity()) operator and then followed by .distinct(). The following example creates a Stream with all Films that are of length greater than 120 minutes and then all Films that are of rating "PG-13":


The resulting Stream will not contain duplicates because of the .distinct() operator.

It would be more efficient to produce a Stream with the same content (but a different order) using this Stream:


When performing joins with JPAStreamer the stream source is no longer a single table but multiple joined ones. Such source is defined using a StreamConfiguration with one table as the base. The columns on which to base the join are then specified using .joining() as shown in the example below:

            .of(Film.class) (1)
            .joining(Film$.actors) (2)
            .joining(Film$.language) (3)
    .filter(Film$.length.between(100, 120)) (4)
1 Table with references to other tables
2 Joining in matching entities from the Actor table
3 Joining in matching entities from the Language table
4 Stream operations are applied as usual
Join operations require that the relationship between tables is declared in the JPA Entities. For more information and more detailed examples of joins, see Stream Examples - Joins.